
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Moodle in the Classroom

Click on the link below to visit my presentation on Moodle in the Classroom, using PREZI.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Final Reflection

“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection”
-Thomas Paine

I teach 3 different grade levels, in Photoshop, CAD, and Computer Literacy. Assessment within my curriculum is extremely diverse and subjective. It is critical for me and my students to have effective and manageable assessments for all three grades and subjects.

When I initially set out to implement my “game plan”, I was enthusiastic and motivated to try new ideas, methods and technology. I was I bit taken back at the lack of enthusiasm by my colleagues. I went forward with the assumption that everyone was feeling the same way about implementing new practices and technology. Through my interactions with my fellow classmates at Walden, I have come to realize that not everyone will have the same zest for trying new things, especially at the end of the year, when most are tired and preoccupied wit exams and the end of the year routines. I certainly can understand this. September will be a better time to refocus and try again.

Come September, I will immediately incorporate Google groups into my lessons for student collaboration on assessing their own work as well as their peers. This will give the learners immediate feedback not only from me, but their peers as well. Also, digital story telling is a wonderful addition to my curriculum. I has never thought of using this technology for an assessment method, however through the past few weeks I have learned from my classmates that Digital story telling is a great way to asses student learning.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Work in Progress

Game Plan Progress

Last week I sent out an invitation for a Google group that focused on student assessment and technology.  The initial response was disheartening.  I was surprised to see that the majority of the teachers involved with technology did not respond.  I then sent out an email reminder to get involved with the group.  I picked up a few more members with this.  Overall, it is not the response I expected, however I think we will pick up more people as our group develops.  Administration has been extremely supportive with this project.  They have reviewed my plan and are excited to see it in action.  I have contacted my district technology supervisor.  He is willing to work with me on a website project for parent communications.

The biggest thing I have learned from this project is that not all teachers are as motivated and or concerned with improving their profession.  I expected more than 8 teachers out of 120 to respond to the Google group.  (this is just my school)  I think I might branch out into the High School and Elementary Schools if we feel we need more input.

Does anyone have any suggestions for getting more teachers involved?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Carrying Out My Game Plan

My Action plan is to develop better methods of assessments for projects that are subjective in nature and to develop a better system of communication between students and parents.

The resources I shall need will come from a combination of sources such as, colleagues, professional development courses and administration.  I may also need the assistance of the district technology supervisor to develop a way to communicate to parents and students through the district website.

I have sent out and email to my colleagues, in the form of a Google group request, in order to form an in house PLC on assessment stratagems.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

NET-T Standards & My Goals

After previewing the NET-T standards on the ISTE website, the following 2 standards stuck out.  I chose 2d because I find in my curriculum, which includes Graphic Design, CAD and Computer literacy, many of the projects are very subjective.  This makes assessment a bit of a challenge at times.  I have come to the realization that I will never develop a set way to assess my projects.  The technology and the students are always changing, sometimes at time at a faster pace than anticipated.  My assessment methods will always be changing.

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
                d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

                c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats

My goals for this area are to not so much solidify a specific assessment, but rather develop a series of assessments that will intertwine with my diverse curriculum.

To achieve these goals I will attend professional development classes on Technology Assessment.  Create a PLC with in my school and district on technology assessment in order to collaborate with my colleagues for strategies and ideas regarding different types of progress and performance indicators.

To monitor my progress, I will compare and contrast the new ideas to my existing rubrics and pre assessments to check for learning and feedback.

Evaluating and extending my learning in this area would be to become a life long learner.  Continue to monitor and attend classes on evaluations and assessments. Experiment with new and different ideas, while checking on student learning and the goals of each lesson.

Standard 3C really hit home with me.  This year I teach 5 periods a day, each period, each day for the week is a different grade and different group of students.  In other words I see approximately 625 different students a week.  Communicating with the parents and students has been a challenge.  I only see each class one day a week, so if they are absent, they automatically fall a week behind if they don’t see me before the next class.  Regarding the parents, there are too many students to pick up the phone and make phone calls.  I wanted to find an efficient way of communicating missed assignments, homework, grades, behavior and general class happenings to my students and parents.

My plan for next year is to create a website for my class, that only my students and parents can access, that will communicate progress, behavior, grades, missing assignments etc.

To monitor my progress I will work with the other technology teachers in district who may be in a similar situation.  This way we can all work and help each other to meet a common goal.  Working in a group will keep us focused on the project.

Evaluation will depend on how well the website serves as a means of effective communication between student’s parents and teachers.  I will develop the means for communication, however students and parents have to take advantage and use the technology to communicate.